Welcome to S_Merge V1.8
A 64 bit versatile image merging graphic editor that runs on: Windows 7, 8, 10
Batch combine pictures with options for perspective / affine transforms, visual effects, collage photos, watermarking images and more.
Apply many different types of pre-processing transforms to one or more images.
Relative alignment of the images such as scaling, positioning and rotation is allowed
simply by mouse clicking and dragging.
Batch merge groups of two to eight 'source' images. Each group can comprise any combination of text, image files, windows clipboard images.
Create collages of images with adjustable gaps, sizing, and number of rows / columns.
Merge and blend/overlay images in many different ways.
Split the completed image into a set of tiles where each tile is saved to a unique file.
Apply any or all of: batch perspective transform, batch montage of images, batch crop images, batch resize images, batch distort images to one or more files at a time.
You can see the screenshot of S_Merge here. Both 32 and 64 bit downloads are available from the download button above.
Typical examples of the use of S_Merge
Repeatedly combine two images side by side for a bunch of files.
Automatically annotate a number of images with text such as: my image 1, my image 2, my image 3 etc.
Take a thousand images, crop and rotate each by a set angle.
Take a group of up to 8 images, each from a different directory, collage them and save the result in a file to another directory.
Repeat this action until there are no more files to process.
Take a number of images and for each one, merge a single fixed watermarking image or text, save each result to a new file.
Remove or insert sections of images, smoothly or abruptly to one or more images. Conceal that unwanted item from your photograph.
Pre-Processing commands
You can optionally make any combination of any number of pre-processing adjustments to the individual 'source' images
prior to merging, batch merging, batch processing (one-file-at-a-time), collaging or to just one image.
Each source image can have its own unique sequence and number of commands.
- Effects: such as emboss, sharpen, edge, blur and others.
- Highlighting (and conversely lowlighting) by RGB or individual color of the image towards any corner or edge.
- Apply perspective or affine transformation.
- Overlay grid patterns of lines or dots - useful to apply gridding to pictures.
- Pincushion / barrel distortion.
- Cylindrical projection.
- Adjust brightness and contrast - useful to set a sepia look, Convert to gray scale
- Crop
- Make portions transparent/opaque, smoothly or abruptly - these sections become invisible/visible in the final result.
- Select a color in the image to become transparent or opaque. (Chroma Keying)
From V1.8 it is now possible to input negative gaps between images and there is a 'skew' option available.
With proper layer setting in the merge parameters you can generate pictures like these.
Images can be blended on a per-pixel basis:
- Average
- Brightest
- Darkest
- Most colored
- Least colored
This example was generated by selecting 'darkest' above. The bird was on a white background,
and the image was smaller than the flower image. Small sections of the flower image were also made transparent behind the bird.
Batch processing and merging of images
Probably the most powerful aspect of S_Merge, this allows automatic and repetitive application of any or all of the features above on many image files.
Set output file names and file types
Annotate files with embedded batch number count. Useful for page and image numbering.
Merge several source images, each with their seperate and unique pre-processing commands.
Setup merge parameters from these pre-processed sources before saving to files.
Simply take one file at a time (it becomes a source) and apply pre-processing commands to them in turn.
Similar to the above apply a smooth transition to the background color at the edges and corners of each file.
Send Target to Source
There is an option to send the completed target image to source (1) only.
The other sources are removed, allowing them to be loaded with more images.
This action can be repeated many times.
This allows merging of any number of images.
Drag, scale, spin images quickly with the mouse with and without aspect ratio locking.
Explicitly set source image sizes.
Collage the images with adjustable gaps: left to right and top to bottom. Each image can be individually rotated.
Other shortcut buttons for snap positioning and sizing.
Check the align window here.
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Download S_Merge v1.8 ====> 64 bit version
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Download S_Merge v1.8 ====> 32 bit version
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Registration requirements for 32 and 64 bit software are the same for a given version.
The 64 bit version will run much faster and is able to generate far larger target images.

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